
Ungefüge, 4.3

From 11/08/2022

Online Program
In German

Online sound piece by Gerald Raunig (philosopher and art theorist, Zurich University of the Arts) in collaboration with Alexander Tuchaček, Isabell Lorey, and Stevphen Shukaitis.

As a text and sound dissemblage, Ungefüge, 4.3 continues the experiment in theoretical form that Gerald Raunig began with his book Ungefüge (transversal texts, 2021) [Dissemblage (Minor Compositions, 2022]. The second volume of Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution formulates Unmunt as the masterlessness of a minor masculinity, immaturity as resistance to normalization, and self-disjoining as a precondition of dissemblage. In this intensive collaboration with Alexander Tuchaček and with the voices of Isabell Lorey and Stevphen Shukaitis, not only has a piece about dissemblage been created, but also a dividual multiplicity that is itself dissemblage, disjointure, subjuncture. “Out of joint, in the joints, lurking for the joints. Then the wind comes in, and with it the windy, Wendy, Windish kin”. (Gerald Raunig, Dissemblage, Minor Compositions, 2022, pp. 240)

Text/Dissemblation: Gerald Raunig

Sound: Alexander Tuchaček

Voice: Isabell Lorey

Additional Voice: Stevphen Shukaitis

Credits: Clarice Lispector, Donna Haraway, Fred Moten, Leonard Cohen, Ralph Ellison, Walter Benjamin


Gerald Raunig

Gerald Raunig works at the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (eipcp) and as a professor of philosophy at Zurich University of the Arts.

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Alexander Tuchaček

Alexander Tuchaček teaches Art & Media at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

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Isabell Lorey

Isabell Lorey is a political theorist and professor of Queer Studies at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.

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Stevphen Shukaitis

Stevphen Shukaitis is a senior lecturer at the Centre for Work, Organization and Society (CWOS) at the University of Essex and a member of the Autonomedia editorial collective.

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