From 19/12/2024
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Oral History: Steina Vasulka in conversation with Arnold Dreyblatt
As part of the Oral History Series of the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, pioneers of video art whose works are part of the n.b.k. Video-Forum collection are interviewed about the early years of video art. Berlin-based media artist and composer Arnold Dreyblatt, who studied with Steina and Woody Vasulka in the 1970s, talked online with Steina Vasulka about her and Woody Vasulka's joint work, early experiments with electronic images and sounds, the founding of The Kitchen in New York and the role of women in the context of these formative early years.
With Erin Lang (vocals, electric bass, harp), David Georgos (synthesizer, programming), Samuel Hall (percussion, crystallophone), Peter Hanson (saxophone, flute)