
Hours and Hours of Inactivity.

n.b.k. Berlin Vol. 9 – Hours and Hours of Inactivity.

The publication provides insight into current tendencies and topics of contemporary art production by presenting the work of eleven international artists living in Berlin: Bettina Allamoda, Diana Artus, Olga Balema, Fritz Balthaus, Mariechen Danz, Christine Sun Kim, Wolf von Kries, Sandra Schäfer, Roman Schramm, Heidi Sill, and Sophie-Therese Trenka-Dalton. With a foreword by Klaus Lederer and Marius Babias, as well as essays by Ann Cotten, Rhea Dall, and Michaela Richter.

The book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Hours and Hours of Inactivity.

The publication can be purchased at local bookshops, via the website of Buchhandlung Walther König, and at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Members of Neuer Berliner Kunstverein can buy the book at n.b.k. for the special price of 15.00 Euro.


n.b.k. Berlin Vol. 9

Hours and Hours of Inactivity.
Edited by Marius Babias. With a greeting by Klaus Lederer, a preface by Marius Babias and texts by Rhea Dall, Ann Cotten and Michaela Richter

140 pages, color illustrations, softcover, German/English, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 2017


19.80 € / 15.00 € (Members)