
Yugoexport. Cabaret Économique

Saturday, Apr 30, 2022, 9 pm

Tickets on sale from April at www.nbk.org. Admission: 8 pm / Performance 9 pm
Anita Berber, Pankstraße 17, 13357 Berlin

With Alexis Chan, Dirk Foermer, Irena Haiduk, Jasmin İhraç, Marija Jette, Brandon Avery Joyce, Dean Kissick, Tatiana Mejia, Christian Schmitz, directed by Irena Haiduk, written by Irena Haiduk and Dean Kissick

Yugoexport and Neuer Berliner Kunstverein present Cabaret Économique. The cabaret venue, a private club in Berlin-Wedding, is named after Anita Berber (1899–1928), the German dance legend and a muse of Otto Dix. Berber was infamous for her scandalous performances experimenting with androgyny, nudity and bisexuality, which challenged the social taboos of her time. Traditionally, the cabaret translated current socio-political debates into a variety of entertainment formats shifting between tragedy and comedy to display and celebrate diverse sexualities and ways of being. Cabaret Économique shares these intentions. It was first performed at the Swiss Institute in New York on Valentine’s Day in 2020, weeks before the pandemic struck. It re-emerges in Berlin to vivify the underground commons of local and Balkan cabaret traditions. This intimate whole night affair sways in and out of song, dance and other performative numbers, to mark the finissage of Irena Haiduk’s exhibition Frauenbank Berlin. It features Irena Haiduk, Dean Kissick, Christian Schmitz, and many others.