
Karin Sander

Karin Sander's work often emerges from the context of the respective location. Her interventions in found conditions, in which she often makes use of the medium already present in the system, are usually surprising and open up a new perspective to what is otherwise familiar. This publication has been specially designed as an artist's book. Alongside documentation of the exhibition in the Neue Berliner Kunstverein, it contains an image bibliography of Karin Sander's artistic work from the past 30 years.

With a preface by Marius Babias, texts by Phillip Ursprung and Harald Welzer and an interview with Karin Sander and Clemens Krümmel.

The book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Karin Sander.

The publication can be purchased at local bookshops, via the website of Buchhandlung Walther König, and at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Members of Neuer Berliner Kunstverein can buy the book at n.b.k. for the special price of 15.00 Euro.


n.b.k. Exhibitions Vol. 10

n.b.k. Exhibitions

Karin Sander
Edited by Marius Babias. With a preface by Marius Babias, texts by Philip Ursprung and Harald Welzer and an interview between Karin Sander and Clemens Krümmel.

120 pages, with illustrations (mostly in color), soft cover, German/English, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2012


19.80 € / 15.00 € (Members)